Once you have created a Purchase Invoice or Purchase Credit Note, you can add or edit the line items for that transaction.
Open the Invoice or Credit Note and click Add New Item to add a new line item, or click the Edit button next to the appropriate line item.
- Item: Only visible if Price List Items have been created. This can be used to default stock/service prices or track the purchases or sales of regularly used items.
- Category: Only visible if Categories have been created. Optional field for further classification of line item.
- Purchase Type: Enter the account against which the income should be recorded. Use the drop down arrow to search available accounts or click in the field and enter free text to find matching values. You can create additional accounts in the Chart of Accounts if required.
- Description: Enter a description of the goods or services provided. This text will appear on the invoice output.
- Quantity: The quantity of the goods or services provided. Must be greater than 0. Up to 4 decimal places accepted.
- Unit Price: Enter the unit price of the goods or services supplied to the customer. Negative amounts are valid and can be used to enter a discount.
- VAT Rate: Select the appropriate VAT Code which should be applied to the line item. This option will only be visible if you are VAT registered as at the date of the transaction - see VAT Status for more information. Default VAT rates can be set in Chart of Accounts. The rates chosen here impact your VAT Reporting. If you are unfamiliar with VAT, it is advisable to consult your accountant or HMRC for advice.
- VAT Amount: The VAT amount will calculate automatically, but can be changed if required.
- Total: Line item total – Unit Price multiplied by Quantity.
Unable to Edit all of the above fields?
Only some of the above fields will be available for editing if either of the following conditions are met:
- The transaction has been included in a VAT report; or
- The transaction has been partially or fully paid.
Unable to Add New Items?
Note that you will not be able to add new items if:
- The transaction has been included in a VAT report; or
- The transaction has been partially or fully paid.
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