Individual statements containing transactions between a specified date range can be displayed in the Customer Statement or Supplier Statement view. Printing multiple statements is also possible and is explained further down in the help document.
Navigate to the Contacts tab. Click the View Customer Statements or View Supplier Statements button. Only Customers or Suppliers with an outstanding balance as at the End Date will be shown.
View, Print or Email a single statement
To view an individual statement, click on the Contact's name in the Customer Statements or Supplier Statements list.
The ageing buckets at the bottom of the statement are calculated based on the Due Date of each invoice and credit note. All payments and refunds are taken into account when calculating this ageing. This can also be viewed in detail in the Aged Receivables/Payables report.
You can Email or Print an individual Customer or Supplier statement as required.
Printing Multiple Statements
Navigate to the Contacts tab. Click the View Customer Statements or View Supplier Statements button
A list of Customers or Suppliers will be presented. Select individual Cstomers or Suppliers using the checkbox on the left hand side. Adjust the dates as appropriate and click on the Print Statements button. A single PDF file will be generated containing the statements.
Note that there is a limit of 100 statements per download. If you have more than 100 customers, change the Page setting to 100 and carry out the print process in blocks of 100.
Styling the PDF
See Statements and Remittance for more information on styling the resulting PDF Statement with regards to the logo, header and footer settings.
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