AccountsPortal allows you to submit your VAT reports online to HMRC. You can only submit a VAT Report that has already been successfully saved as per VAT/GST/Tax Report.
Navigate to the Reports tab and then click the VAT Report link.
Click the View link in the Action field for the required report.
Click on the File with HMRC button and enter the following details:
- Gateway User ID - your HMRC online account User ID
- Password - your current HMRC online account password
- VAT Number - defaults from your Financial Settings but can be edited.
- Sender - select from the available options.
Note that for security reasons we do not store your Gateway User ID or Password.
Click on the green File with HMRC button to submit the report.
Confirmation messages will appear below the VAT report indicating the current status of the submission. Please note that HMRC can take some time (usually a few minutes) to respond to the VAT submission. We will automatically retrieve the response from HMRC, but you will need to refresh the page to view the current status. It is also perfectly safe to leave this page before receiving a status update from HMRC and come back at a later time.
It is not possible to delete a VAT Report that has been successfully submitted to HMRC.
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